Thursday, May 20, 2010

Doorway Around the Block

I take a lot of walks around the block while I'm at work at the Main Library downtown.
This is my favorite doorway, and I love to watch it change with the seasons, mild as they generally are.


  1. I love how the ivy is so carefully tucked into the shape of the doorway. Please let me watch the seasonal changes with you - keep posting the pix!

  2. Very pretty! What a nice door to come home to. I bet it is fun to watch it change with the seasons!

  3. That is a beautiful doorway, what a nice thing to see on your way to the library. Wonder who lives there?

  4. Oh my, so very lovey... I would love to come home to that entry every day! How enchanting!

    I love your new blog look! My favorite color combination's... this one has such a dreamy quality to it! :)))

  5. Oh Yay! I'm so glad it arrived today for you! :)) Happy Friday, dear friend! And I am delighted you like it so!

  6. Beautiful door way, it looks romantic too ^-^ I will make one if I have a chance

  7. Oh wow, that's a really beautiful doorway!

  8. Oh my, it looks so romantic. Wonderful doorway and fantastic photo. :-)
    I have to see it again and again...
