Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Travels through Postcards

Key Largo with Liz. 1987Belize with David. 2003
Honduras with David. 1994
Paris with Jimmy & Karen 1978
Dominican Republic with David. 2009
Puerto Rico with David. 2008
Mexico with David 2007
Germany & Austria with David 2006
Italy with David. 2006
Panama with David. 2005
Nicaragua with David. 2004
Nashville, Ashville, Gatlinburg, etc. with David 2001
New Orleans with David. 1998-99
Venezuela with David. 1996
Peru 1995.
Love, love, love. David & I: married.
Guatamala with David. 1991.
Folly Beach, SC with David. 1989
Peru & Ecuador with David. 1988
Spain with Sandy, Scott & Frank. 1980
Italy with Nicole, Linda & Lynette. 1979


  1. I love them all, Susan. It's so nice to be able to see them on your blog. It's easier to navigate than on FB. I like to see them up close so I get to read all the details. Very cool!

  2. I agree with Jamie - these are really fun to look at. I've been trying to get my husband to go with me to Nicaragua in search of some retirement property!
